Sunday, December 20, 2009

DAMON MALOSI STEVENS! ( it's pronounced mah low see)

Damon was born on Dec. 11th 2009 and weighed 8 lbs 11 oz. He was 20 1/2 in. long.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Quick Update

So school started and my life has been crazy. Aylee is in preschool and loving it. I get the chance to watch my friends kids MWF for a few hours and between all that I'm still getting my homework done and finding time for my sister and her kids without depriving my husband of the time he needs! I am grateful that I am able to do so much and stay pretty sane the meanwhile!

I'm about 32 weeks along and the baby is doing great. It's that time to start preparing for a new baby!

Aylee also had her fourth birthday. She is getting so big! She got a lot of fun toys and a big girl bike that she is way excited about! I didn't really think she would care about a birthday party with friends this year but I was wrong about that. I kinda feel bad but I guess I know better for next year.

Malekai had a birthday too. He turned one! It's so much fun to watch him grow and see his funny personality develop. He is quite a character! He got a cake all to himself and as you can see he demolished it!

Malekai is still not walking but hopefully with a lot of help he'll start.

Aylee went fishing with her daddy and grandpa a couple days before her birthday and caught four fish! She's not too excited to go again becuase the fish are too gross! (She's a little bit like her mommy!) She did have fun though on her outing.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Summer's End

Well summer is coming to an end and I am kind of relieved to be able to have some sort of schedule again. Andrew and I start school tommorrow and Aylee will be going to preschool this year starting the first week of September.

My kids are growing up so fast. Its fun to watch Aylee and Malekai develop a relationship. They are so cute. It's been interesting watching siblings grow to love each other, I never really knew what to expect!

For those of you who don't know...It's a boy! I'm due December 18th which is right at the end of the semester so it should work out just right! :) I really have no idea who I told and who I didn't so now I guess you all know!
Well that's all for's wierd not having fifteen hundred things to post. I guess this is what its like when you keep up on your postings!

Thursday, August 6, 2009


The 4th of July was so much fun. We went to Geneva, Idaho. It's practically the middle of nowhere...seriously NOWHERE! It was fun. The boys (Andrew and my bro) put on a firework show and somehow we were lucky enough not to have the house, barn, or fields catch fire. It was kinda scary!
All I could think about was all the cool spots there were to take pictures and how my friends at home would love it! These pix are definately not professional but it was fun and just so you can see the cool props in Idaho!

Our next trip in July was to Logan for the Tippetts Family Reunion. We had lots of fun riding the dune buggy, swimming, and enjoying our outdoor movie. We are so proud of Aylee for jumping off the diving board. She finally dunks her head without freaking out! Good job Aylee.

We got home from Logan and prepared ourselves for the 24th of July parade that Aylee was dying to be in. She was so excited to wave and throw candy! She did great and was so darling in the parade!

Malekai was so good for all of this. He sure is growing up and getting cute. The dang kid just doesn't want to crawl though...or anything else really. Oh well, saves me from chasing him around and cleaning up mischievious messes!

Aylee also had her first sleepover with her cousin Whitney from Washington. They were really cute. They read stories which apparently were funny till they fell asleep. Now it's all she talks about. She wants to have her next sleepover at grandma's! (hint hint mom).
Well that's it for now. I'll try to do better. Maybe I could do one post at a time and not six mushed into one! We'll see!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Here are some pictures of our trip to West Virginia, We went up there to celebrate Andrew's sisters graduation from West Virginia University. It was a good trip, all of Andrew's family was there and we were able to spend a lot of quality time together.

This is Aylee at the Pittsburgh Zoo, she was so excited to see the sharks but when she got up close she was too afraid to take her eyes off of them, she almost jumped off the ledge she was standing on.
So we got home from the graduation and we were all sitting around and there was no sound coming from the kids, Andrew's brother went and investigated and found them all sitting around eating the candy lei's that were given to Andrew's sister. As you can see they were all helping each other out in getting the candy opened.

Look at our two graduates!! They are so cute! And they were so good on this trip! Aylee loved the plane ride and Malekai must have cause all he did was sleep till the plane landed.

Malekai liked seeing the sharks as well, he kept trying to touch them as they went by the glass.

Keep holding that football! That's our future retirement! Just kidding, but he does look good with it.

This is a picture of Andrew's family, this was the first time that all of them were together in the same place for a while so we had to capture this moment.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Surgery Anyone?

For those of you who don't know what's happened lately let me give you the history! When Andrew was 11 he had his appendix removed in Samoa. Believe me, he's got the scar to prove it..well I thought. So it all starts Wednesday when he came home from work vomiting and really sick. He had a cramp in his side that he complained about but since he doesn't have insurance we decided that he would just have to tough it out. Malekai ruptured an eardrum in the meantime and was cutting a tooth as well so he was a little cranky. Well Friday rolls along and he's still really sick with a high fever so we took him to InstaCare. They sent him home and told us it was the flu but gave no explanation about the cramp in his abdomin. So friday passes, and saturday...then finally at about 10:00 pm we decide to go to the ER becuase his stomach was hurting so bad and we just could not get his fever to come down lower than 102 degrees for three days straight now. Something had ruptured were his appendix was supposed to be so they sent him in for emergency surgery at about 2:00 am. Turns was his appendix! What the heck! It was supposed to be taken out 16 years ago! So who knows what they extracted in Samoa! In the mean time Aylee was at home (being watched by a good neighbor then relieved by my mother) puking all over the place. Guess she got the flu! I came home around 5 am only to get up four hours later and head back to the hospital to check on Andrew. A few hours into the visit I start vomiting like crazy and head for home. Turns out I got the flu too. Could it get any worse? Thank heaven for good friends and family that have helped so much! I couldn't have done it without you all! Well we've all recovered at home and Andrew is doing well during his recovery. He probably has to be in the hospital for two more days (if all goes well) then will get to come home. Then probably another week or so to recover at home. Thanks to everyone who has helped and offered to help. We really appreciate it! We'll keep you posted.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Date Night!

Andrew took Aylee out on her first date! They had a blast! It was really funnny when he asked her to go, she said "I'm not old enough to date" then she said "how about you and mommy go on a date and call Tara (a babysitter) to come over." After a lot of coaxing she finally agreed to go on a date with dad! They had a good time too!

Growing Up!

Malekai is growing up so fast. He is such a funny baby. Alway blowing bubbles, sucking his lip, or sticking his tongue out. He cracks me up. He rolls over and sits up by himself but is too lazy to even think about crawling. He's content just chillin in one spot!

Peaches are not a favorite!

This is the first time Malekai had solid foods. It was a couple months ago but I'm just getting to it. The first time Malekai tried peaches really cracked me up. I had to get a video of it! Your gonna love it!

Dance Recital

She finally did it! Her first dance recital. Although Aylee didn't really know what was going on she did great and is excited for her next one!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Great Pictures Brooke!

So as most everybody knows, Brooke is an excellent photographer. She was kind enough to take a few pictures of Aylee. They turned out great! I posted a few of my favorites although they were all awesome! I really do love them. Thanks so much Brooke.

Date Night

Andrew and I went out last Friday expecting a regular date night (dinner and movie) and got a whole lot more. We went to the movie first and then headed to Made in Brazil for dinner. It was fantastic. Turns out that it was Brazil's "Carnival" or Mardi Gra celebration that night so they had a live band outside and a facepainting lady there to help everyone get in the spirit. To say the least we decided to get a little CRAZY! Painted our faces and danced the night away. It was a blast and if they ever do it again I will definately be there. We had so much fun! We heard they might do this same thing the last Friday of every month so if thats the case you know where I'll be!

Malekai Update

There's something about baby's that just make me crazy but in a good way. I seriously just want to squeeze and kiss Malekai to death. I swear its all I do all day long is pinch his chubby cheeks, chubby thighs, and squish his belly. Its so great I can't stand it! Anyway, he is doing great. Growing up fast. He's already 18 lbs. can you believe it? I know hunka chunk. I keep waiting for his teeth to come in becuase he knaws on everything and slobbers more than any baby I've ever seen but nothing yet. I'm already secretly trying to teach him to say momma first by repeatedly saying "I am your momma", "momma", "momma". Hope Andrew doesn't read this cause he might start repeating dadda every time I'm not around! I know I got a while but I really want him to say momma first!

Yard Sale Find

I am so excited about my new dresser. Andrew and I bought it for $15 at a yard sale..can you believe it? It was pretty nasty looking but we painted it and added the handles to clean it up a bit! I love awesome finds like this!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Quick Update

Why does it seem so hard to post a couple pictures and write a quick message? It takes me forever to update my blog. Oh well. At least I'm doing it. Well things have been good. Andrew and I bought our first nice car ever thanks to our neighbors who were selling theirs. It has been really great owning a car that doesn't worry you about breaking down every time you run to the store. (For those of you who have seen my old car knows what I mean). I'm so grateful not to have that worry anymore.
Aylee is killing me with her imagination. She always finds a creative way to meet her needs. In this picture she found a way to have dangle earings. What a nerd!
Malekai is quickly becoming Aylee's dress up buddy as you can see!
I think most of you know already but I enrolled Aylee in dance classes and she is having a ball. She does ballet, jazz, and tap. It is so cute to see her excited about going to class and learning new moves. Gotta admit that nothing beats her freestyle though!

I have also recently introduced Malekai to baby cereal. He seemed to like it pretty well as it was going down but later it all came back up. We'll wait a little longer to try that again.

Grandma and Grandpa gave Malekai Jazz warmups for Christmas and I must say it looks good on him! Andrew gave him the mohawk to fit in with the guys in the NBA with their wild hair!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

So I know that it's been quite a while since we have posted a blog so here is an update finally! This is also the first time that I, Andrew, have put a blog on here. So our christmas was great, all except Ambers uncle passing away on christmas eve, other than that it was really good. We stayed here in St. George and went to Ambers parents for christmas morning. My parents also made a surprise visit up all because Aylee wanted to see them. Our new year is going good so far. We love living in the neighborhood that we live in, it is so great to have good neighbors. My brother and his wife just purchased a home down the street from us so now we can see more of them instead of having to drive twenty minutes to thier house. I tried to post some pictures on here but just realized that our computer crashed from some virus and I am on a laptop that doesn't have any pictures of us on here. I'm sure that after Amber sees that I have done this post she will come in behind me and post pictures so stay tuned... well I do think that this will have to do for my first post so until next time...