Monday, June 1, 2009

Surgery Anyone?

For those of you who don't know what's happened lately let me give you the history! When Andrew was 11 he had his appendix removed in Samoa. Believe me, he's got the scar to prove it..well I thought. So it all starts Wednesday when he came home from work vomiting and really sick. He had a cramp in his side that he complained about but since he doesn't have insurance we decided that he would just have to tough it out. Malekai ruptured an eardrum in the meantime and was cutting a tooth as well so he was a little cranky. Well Friday rolls along and he's still really sick with a high fever so we took him to InstaCare. They sent him home and told us it was the flu but gave no explanation about the cramp in his abdomin. So friday passes, and saturday...then finally at about 10:00 pm we decide to go to the ER becuase his stomach was hurting so bad and we just could not get his fever to come down lower than 102 degrees for three days straight now. Something had ruptured were his appendix was supposed to be so they sent him in for emergency surgery at about 2:00 am. Turns was his appendix! What the heck! It was supposed to be taken out 16 years ago! So who knows what they extracted in Samoa! In the mean time Aylee was at home (being watched by a good neighbor then relieved by my mother) puking all over the place. Guess she got the flu! I came home around 5 am only to get up four hours later and head back to the hospital to check on Andrew. A few hours into the visit I start vomiting like crazy and head for home. Turns out I got the flu too. Could it get any worse? Thank heaven for good friends and family that have helped so much! I couldn't have done it without you all! Well we've all recovered at home and Andrew is doing well during his recovery. He probably has to be in the hospital for two more days (if all goes well) then will get to come home. Then probably another week or so to recover at home. Thanks to everyone who has helped and offered to help. We really appreciate it! We'll keep you posted.


Amanda Tippetts said...

Holy Canoly! I'm glad things are going better now but talk about a little bit of Job's life you are feeling. Next come the boils. Wish we were closer to help but at least Jason will get to see you this weekend.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe your life!!! That must have totally sucked. If I lived closer you know I would have been right there to help out anyway I could. Well I hope life will be really boring for your family the next couple of weeks. Call me - I'm anxious to hear how all of you are doing.