Monday, March 2, 2009

Great Pictures Brooke!

So as most everybody knows, Brooke is an excellent photographer. She was kind enough to take a few pictures of Aylee. They turned out great! I posted a few of my favorites although they were all awesome! I really do love them. Thanks so much Brooke.


Brooke @ said...

Thanks. I thought they turned out really cute! She's such a little cutie.

Julie Hatch said...

okay I am so jealous of your date night!! You guys looks so cute! Your blog looks great and I love the pic. Miss you guys tons!

Angela said...

Your kids sure are cute. Almost as cute as mine!! Ha, ha. No really Aylee looks adorable and we all know how cute Malekai is. Can't wait to see you tomorrow!

Nilsson Family said...

Wow, I haven't checked your blog in a bit and you are really getting some post up, way to go!! I am glad you and Andrew got to do that date night, looks fun!!

Sheila said...

I am so glad you found me! I tried to find your blog when I saw your mom and I couldn't figure it out. You family is so dang cute! It was funny, cause I even snooped around your brother and sisters blogs. Its crazy how much everybody has grown... but how everybody still looks the same. Thank you for your post... I hope things get better too. :)